Kyoto Tango Recreational Fishing Boat Subaru

The Subaru is a charter ship. We will consult with customers on what and how to fish and when to start fishing.

Please enjoy fishing in the sea of Tango, Kyoto.


・We added seasonal fishing information.(2024.01.18)


Kuraoka, Yutaka 

I have been enjoying fishing for 30 years on my boat.

I especially like fishing for red sea bream, amberjack, and three line grunt.

I speak English.


Target Fish


Red sea bream is best caught from April to December. Amberjack and medai may also be mixed. Three line grunt is fished from May to August, but it changes depending on the year. This fishing is also mixed with amberjack and red sea bream. Aim for Fukase fishing, Tenbin Fukase fishing etc.




Red sea bream can often be caught in April and May, but it is greatly affected by bait and tide. I do it all year round, but some days are pretty tough. You can also combine it with jigging.

Jigging is also significantly affected by bait and tides, just like tai rubber. There are many times when you can fish well from November to March after it gets cold, but you can do it all year round. You can also combine with tai rubber.






We use mercury lamps to fish squid at night with a weight rig or Sutte. In the fall, bigfin reef squid are fished on tip-runs during the day. Whether or not you can catch Kensaki squid, White squid, and Bigfin reef squid changes dramatically depending on the year.  The season for squid fishing coincides with the season for grunt fishing, so I'm not sure which one to catch. In the case of squid fishing, you may be asked to ride together.




Seasonal Fishing Information

From January to March, if there are yellowtail nearby, we go jigging,  or we aim for red sea bream  with bait in the deep water.

(We will be closed for a while in early March due to ship maintenance.)


From April, we target red sea bream with tai rubber, and a little later we target red sea bream with bait.

There are more sardines for bait and you can also do jigging.


From late April, we can also target red sea bream and amberjack with bait.


May is the peak season for red sea bream fishing, and we can catch red sea bream by tai rubber fishing or using bait.


In June, red sea bream enter a period of reluctance to eat after spawning, but the season for grunt,  grouper, and Japanese squid also begins.


Even in July, you can catch grunt, grouper, and Japanese squid.


It's hot in August, so we fish white squid and Japanese squid at night.


In September, we fish red sea bream with tai rubber or bigfin squid in the daytime, and white squid at night.


From October, the autumn red sea bream season begins, and we aim for red sea bream and amberjack by fishing with bait. The bigfin squid is also getting bigger. Sardine bait is increasing, and jigging is also in season.


In November, the pull for red sea bream and amberjack is the strongest of the year, so it a fun time for jigging ,tai rubber and bait fishing.


In December, the water temperature is still high, and we can catch blue fish by jigging, and red sea bream by bait fishing.

Price (revised from July 1st)

(Until June 30th)

8,000 yen per person (up to 4 people)

*In the case of one person, we will  charge 12,000 yen.

  In the case of squid fishing, you may be asked to ride together.


(The following fee structure will be in effect from July 1st.) Charter fee: 16,000 yen for up to 2 people, 24,000 yen for 3 people, 32,000 yen for 4 people, up to 4 people


As for the fishing time, fishing is basically 8 hours, and squid fishing at night is 6 hours until 11:00 pm.

 Example 1: Red sea bream fishing for bait Fishing from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

 Example 2: Squid fishing from 5:00 p.m. until 11:00 p.m.


Yamaha UF25 150 hp outboard motor

There is no toilet, which will be installed in the future.

(For now, it is impossible for women. Sorry.)


Please make a reservation in English and Japanese by phone.

I may not be able to answer the phone during maneuvering, so please make a longer call.

In the case of squid fishing, you may be asked to ride together.


Mobile phone :  090-3033-1862

Captain name : Kuraoka, Yutaka 



1. The captain will contact you by the day before to inform you about the possibility of departure.


2. Please fill in the boarding list before boarding.

    Please pay the boarding fee in advance before boarding.


3. Wearing a life jacket has become mandatory.

    Please be sure to wear a type A life jacket with the cherry blossom mark when boarding.

   (If you don't have one, the ship has a life jacket for inspection.)


4. Be sure to sit down while moving points.


5. Please refrain from boarding in spike shoes.


6. Please cancel as soon as possible.


Departure Cancellation Criteria

1. When the wind speed of the guided fishing ground is 6 m or more


2. When the wave height of the guided fishing ground is 1.3m or more


3. Even if you are recreational fishing, you may return to the port due to deterioration of sea conditions.

Boarding Place

1. 400-2 Asamogawa, Aminocho, Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture

2. Asamogawa Fishing Port, Aminocho, Kyotango City, Kyoto Prefecture


Enter the address below into your navigation.

1. 京都府京丹後市網野町浅茂川1400-2

2. 京都府京丹後市網野町浅茂川漁港

Please park in the unpaved area in the back. The paved area in front is where the nets are maintained.

Reservation Calendar

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